Kampot doctors, hospitals, and medical care

With a new state-of-the-art hospital, Kampot medical care has entered the 21st century.

Medical care in Kampot has come a long way, and the days of traveling to Phnom Penh for the smallest cut or scrape are long gone. If you have a major medical issue, though, many expats still recommend going to Phnom Penh or even abroad for medical care. Read our in-depth report about medical care in Cambodia. Below you’ll find our recommended Kampot medical care providers.

Kampot medical care

The old stand-by, Kampot Referral Hospital, is always there , but best avoided.

Doctors and Hospitals

Sonja Kill Memorial Hospital is a newish hospital opened by a group of German foundations and Hope Worldwide. Despite its slightly ominous name, it is the best hospital on the coast, with state-of-the-art equipment and international doctors on site. While the hospital’s mission is to help children and expectant mothers, it will also treat expats (and not just of the mother-and-child variety). Patients are charged on a sliding scale, and foreigners are expected to pay $20 for a consultation with a Western doctor.

Sonja Kill Memorial Hospital

National Road 3 (6km west of Kampot, close to the road to Bokor mountain), Kampot
T: 012 738 888; 092 210 599


The eye clinic at the back of Kampot Referral Hospital has a good reputation among Kampot expats for taking care of minor ophthalmology issues. For more serious problems, it’s recommended to take a drive to the Takeo Eye Hospital, which is 86 km away but offers a higher standard of care and is under the supervision of a German doctor. For everything else, locals recommend heading to Phnom Penh.

Kampot Referral Hospital

Riverside Road between the Old Bridge and the New Bridge, Kampot
T: 081 798 346; 033 210 162

Takeo Eye Hospital

National Road 2, near Street 110, Takeo
T: 032 931 324; 016 504 299


Kampot expats swear by Dr. Piseth of Piseth Dental Clinic near the durian roundabout. He offers inexpensive cleanings and treatments — a cleaning costs $10, and walk-ins are welcome. His brother has opened a second Piseth Dental Clinic near the new market, which also has a good reputation.

Piseth Dental Clinic

Street 729, across from the Tela Station, Kampot
T: 012 770 988; 016 770 988; 068 589 999
106 Street 714, by New Market, Kampot
T: 012 671 471


There are several pharmacies in Kampot, but we’ve found the Marany Pharmacy, attached to the Marany Guesthouse, has a good selection of inexpensive drugs and medical supplies.

Marany Pharmacy

Street 701, near the Salt Workers Monument, Kampot
T: 016 886 060; 078 248 998; 096 648 3709; 097 200 1978

Emergency evacuation

Despite the new hospital, medical care in Kampot still leaves a lot to be desired. If you get into a serious accident while in Kampot, you may need, at a minimum, to travel to Phnom Penh, and if the case is really serious you’ll need to head to Bangkok. Emergency evacuations can cost upwards of $20,000, so it’s important to have travel insurance when you’re visiting Cambodia, or health insurance if you live here.

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