Parents agree that Phnom Penh has become a kid-friendly city.
Over the last decade, Phnom Penh has become more geared towards children. Now, there are lots of businesses and activities aimed at enriching the lives of the children of Phnom Penh. The majority of activities are aimed at kids and tweens, but there are more and more things for older kids to do, too. Here are some of our favorite Phnom Penh activities for kids, parenting and education resources, and interviews with Phnom Penh expat parents.

Children’s books Cambodia
Wondering about schools? We have an entire section on schools in Phnom Penh for expat kids, from nursery age through high school. Find out which schools are accredited and have international certification in our Phnom Penh international schools section, or go directly to our sponsored pages to learn more about some of the top Phnom Penh international schools.
Parents may also find the following blog posts about education in Phnom Penh helpful:
How to pick the best international school in Cambodia for your child. We’ve got tips for researching and choosing an international school, including what to look for and things to consider. Continue reading →
The lowdown on Cambodian international schools. A third culture kid who went to international schools all over Southeast Asia (including Cambodia) put together this useful list of ‘need-to-knows’ about the international schools in Phnom Penh for parents. Continue reading →
Specialist educational and therapeutic services for children in Cambodia. A range of special-need services for children with educational, developmental, emotional, or behavioral difficulties is becoming more available in Cambodia. We cover what’s available now. Continue reading →
Where to buy children’s books in Phnom Penh. A round-up of the best places to buy new and used English-language children’s books in Phnom Penh, from picture books and fairy tales to textbooks and boxed sets. Continue reading →

Kids can explore and Play at Coconuts Park.
Things to do
Read our series highlighting activities for kids to do in Phnom Penh:
Phnom Penh activities for kids: Swimming, playgrounds, and play spaces. A round-up of the best activities for kids and teens in Phnom Penh, focusing on swimming pools, indoor and outdoor playgrounds, and play spaces. Continue reading →
Phnom Penh activities for kids: Sports and active play. A round-up of sporty things for younger kids and teens to to do in Phnom Penh to burn off energy, from soccer to horse riding. Continue reading →
Phnom Penh activities for kids: Arts and crafts, music, and performing arts. Arts and crafts, music, and performing arts activities in Phnom Penh for toddlers, kids, and teens, including Covid-safe online options. Continue reading →

Scooting through Wat Botum Park.
Your questions about parenting in Phnom Penh answered
Move to Cambodia talks to expat parents about raising kids in Cambodia.
We did a Q&A with Jeff Mudrick, who spends a lot of time at the pool with his six-year-old. “You can drag your kid with you most anywhere and be received warmly or at least with tolerance,” he says, “From Khmers, at least.”
Another Q&A with Greg Bloom, who says, “Life is easy in Phnom Penh, and that extends to raising kids.” He gives a list of fun activities for kids in Phnom Penh, as well as suggestions for weekend breaks.
In this Q&A, French expat Anaïs Pagès Peeters talks about the ups and downs of raising her three-year-old and one-year-old children in Phnom Penh.
British expat Daniel Riley talks about some of his favorite activities to do with his three-year-old daughter in Phnom Penh, and explains the best and the worst of Phnom Penh parenting.
Wondering if you should give birth in Phnom Penh? We talk to expat moms about how they made the choice to stay in Cambodia or go abroad for childbirth.
Online resources for parenting in Phnom Penh
The Cambodia Parent Network is a Yahoo group with more than 5,000 expat members (not all of them parents). It’s a great source for moving sales, buying and selling, and sourcing difficult-to-find items.
The Cambodia Parent Network Facebook group isn’t related to the mailing list but is a great place for parents to exchange information about life with kids in Phnom Penh.
Phnom Penh Mamas is a Facebook group where Phnom Penh mothers exchange information and advice about all things kid- and parenting-related.
Phnom Penh Parents is a Facebook group for parents in Phnom Penh.
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