Want to connect with other expats in Phnom Penh? Here’s where to find them online and off.
You don’t have to look hard to find Phnom Penh expats online. There are many Facebook groups for expats in Phnom Penh where you can share information, including web resources for Cambodia, and most of them tend to skew Phnom Penh, so it’s worth looking there, too. Below, we’ve got a list of groups you can join, as well as sports and events where you can meet and greet.

Want to meet Phnom Penh expats (but not this one)? Here’s where.
If you’re looking for great deals or to buy, sell, or swap in Phnom Penh, check out Phnom Penh Buy and Sell and Things for Sale and Wanted in Phnom Penh.
Phnom Penh Housing is a Facebook group that specializes in available properties, apartments and flatshares in Phnom Penh.
Phnom Penh Job Alert is a Facebook group with Phnom Penh job postings and help-wanted ads for both locals and expats.
If you’re into mapping, check out the Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup group, where mapping geeks and other spatially oriented types discuss all things maps and make plans for their monthly meetups.
The Hackerspace Facebook group is a place to connect with Phnom Penhers interested in technology. They also have a co-working space that’s a great way for people who work from home to get a little social contact, and they have regular events covering all sorts of topics
as well.
Special Interests
Coffee lovers unite! The Disappearing Brew Bar is a regular pop-up event that brings the best coffee and pastries to various locales around town. Their casual events lend themselves to chatting and mingling, and it’s a great place to meet other coffee lovers. Subscribe to their list to get notified of their next event.
French speaker? Francophones à Phnom Penh is a Facebook group for Phnom Penh’s French expats.
The Phnom Penh Players is an informal group of actors, set-builders, and musicians who put on two or three free productions every year, including an annual Christmas panto.
Phnom Penh Intolerants is a place for those who are gluten, lactose, or otherwise food intolerant to share information, tips, and…bowel movements.
Veg in Phnom Penh is a group where Phnom Penh vegetarians can commiserate and exchange information about the best veggie eats in Phnom Penh.
Phnom Penh Mamas is a social group for mothers in Phnom Penh to get together, discuss kid stuff, and organize meetups and playdates.
Phnom Penh Parents is a Facebook group for parents who want to swap tips and find out about kid-friendly events in Phnom Penh.
The Cambodia Parent Network is a Yahoo group with more than 2,500 expats (not all of them parents), and most of them are in Phnom Penh. It’s a great source for moving sales, buying and selling, and sourcing difficult-to-find items. They also have a Facebook group that is more parent-oriented than the Yahoo group.
Music and Nightlife
If you like playing or listening to live music, the Phnom Penh Musician’s Collective group is a great place to meet other like-minded souls.
Nightlife Phnom Penh is a Facebook group that features the latest Phnom Penh clubbing news and events.
Find other party monsters in the Phnom Penh Party People Facebook group, where events, clubs, parties, and more are posted.
There’s a very active (pun intended) Phnom Penh Ultimate Frisbee group that has games every Sunday afternoon at Northbridge International School. The cost is $2 or $3 per person (to cover the cost of the field rental), and first-timers are free. They also usually have games on Wednesdays at the ISPP field. It’s a friendly group and newcomers are encouraged to join. Join their Google Group and Facebook page for more information.
Every Tuesday and Thursday there are drop-in dodgeball games. All are welcome, and it’s a great place to meet people. Join the Phnom Penh Dodgeball group to learn more.
Phnom Penh Dancers is a Facebook group for anyone interested in dance in Cambodia. They have events and class announcements, and it’s a good way to keep up with what’s going on the Phnom Penh dance world.
Every Saturday the Phnom Penh Easy Riders go for a bicycle ride around Phnom Penh. New members are welcome.
Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers is a group that meets to go running (and walking) together every weekend.
Events Listings
Kumnooh is a weekly arts guide that is available online or by email subscription, offering a comprehensive list of what’s happening in Cambodia’s art scene. It also covers Siem Reap.
Lady Penh provides weekly listings of events and happenings in Phnom Penh.
Leng Pleng Gig Guide is Phnom Penh’s live music guide, with listings of live music and DJ gigs around Cambodia, although most listings are in Phnom Penh.
Got a suggestion or correction for one of our listings? Submit it here.