Siem Reap

We’ve got unbiased and independent reviews of hotels, restaurants, transportation, and activities in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Everything you need to know about what’s going on in town plus practicalities like how to get into Siem Reap from the airport, supermarket reviews and activities for kids in Siem Reap.

Long's Bar Siem Reap

The best bars in Siem Reap

Temple Town, as Siem Reap is fondly known, has no shortage of watering holes no matter the season. And while Pub Street is the center of the alcohol-fueled action, our favorite bars in Siem Reap are off the main drag. … Continue reading

Larryta Express Phnom Penh

Review: Larryta Express, Phnom Penh – Siem Reap

Larryta Express has been around for a couple of years now, but have never really taken off with foreigners because — seriously — their logo is hard to read. I’ve actually had someone ask me if I’ve taken the “squiggly … Continue reading