Whether you need to get your visa renewed or find a flight home, there’s a travel agent who can help.
In Cambodia, everything from flights, bus tickets, driving licenses, and visas can be handled by a good travel agent. In fact, it’s usually easier (and often less expensive) to use a travel agent than do it yourself. Before you head to a travel agent, know that everything from your visa renewal to a driving license application requires passport photos. Find out where and how to get passport photos in town. Below are two of our favorite travel agents in Phnom Penh.

Theavy at Mingliang Travel is a whiz at long-haul flights out of Cambodia.
Theavy at Mingliang Group is a whiz when it comes to international flights and business travel. She seems magically able to find lower prices and better itineraries than anyone else in town, and she’s always available to make last-minute flight changes for corporate travelers. Mingliang Group can also book domestic flights and take care of visas, but international flights is where this agency shines.
A few blocks off the riverside, Cina Travel is the place to go for Cambodia visa renewals, visa applications for Vietnam and beyond, and local travel. They’re happy to book a bus ticket or domestic flight and can also help with travel further afield.
If you’re happy to do it yourself, you can also book Cambodia bus tickets online at BookMeBus.
Mingliang Group Co., Ltd.
403 Eo Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh
T: 023 992 239
E: ticketing@mingliangtravel.com
Cina Travel
129Eo Street 130, Psar Cha, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh
T: 023 998 775; 023 998 774
E: cinatravel@cinatravel.com.kh
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