Now is the time! We’ve got some tips on learning Khmer, plus reviews of Phnom Penh Khmer-language schools.
It’s true that expats can get away with learning very little Khmer in Phnom Penh, but your experience in Cambodia will be richer if you achieve basic fluency. Need convincing? Read our 6 reasons to bother learning Khmer. On the blog, we talked to Khmer-language teacher Chhun Vanna about common mistakes that Cambodia expats often make when learning Khmer, plus tips for learning the language. We also have recommendations for Khmer-language schools in Phnom Penh.

Learning Khmer: ទ is for duck.
Mind your language! Learning Khmer in Phnom Penh
If you’re living in Cambodia, learning Khmer is very rewarding. Susan’s got a round-up of where to learn Khmer in Phnom Penh, with the best courses and tutors in town. Read the full post here.
6 reasons to bother learning Khmer
It’s true that one of the appealing things about moving to Cambodia is the expat’s ability to survive in-country without learning much of the local language. But just because you can get by without learning to speak Khmer, does that mean you should? Here are six reasons you should bite the bullet and start learning Khmer the minute you arrive.
Khmer for Foreigners at RUPP
If you’re looking to learn Khmer, one of the most well-regarded courses is at Royal University of Phnom Penh’s Institute of Foreign Languages. The course, Khmer for Foreigners, teaches reading, writing, and speaking the language. That’s significant, because most teachers and Cambodian learning classes focus only on speaking, and most expats never learn to read or write the language. Successful completion of Khmer for Foreigners, on the other hand, will have you reading, writing, and speaking the language at a high level after a year. The class is spread out over four levels which can be completed in one year. Each level is 8 to 10 weeks for 1.5 hours each weekday and costs $200. Read our full review of Khmer for Foreigners at RUPP on the blog.
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