Do your pets need healthcare? We’ve got the best veterinarians in Sihanoukville.
Expats speak highly of Dr. Roman Kuleshov, a Russian veterinarian who runs the Happy Pets Veterinary Clinic in Sihanoukville. Dr. Kuleshov has been practicing veterinary medicine for 10 years, and in Sihanoukville since 2012. He does consultations by appointment only between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily, but takes emergency calls at any time. He also makes house calls!

It’s a dog’s life in Sihanoukville. Here’s how to keep them healthy.
Dr. Kuleshov has a complete price list on his Facebook page (and we do mean complete). Consultations are $10 or $15 and he administers various vaccinations that cost between $10 and $30. For $5 you can get an international health certificate, aka a pet passport. Happy Vets treats dogs, cats, birds, and wild animals. They also have a pet pharmacy and sell Royal Canin Health Nutrition for Cats and Dogs.
Happy Pets Veterinary Clinic
Emario Beach Resort, Victory Hill, Sihanoukville [map]
T: 098 215 104
Reggie of Kampot Veterinary Services is a Russian licensed veterinarian offering veterinary services in Sihanoukville, including consultations, travel documents, spaying, neutering, and emergency care. He’s available 24 hours a day and does house calls. Cat spaying costs $60 and neutering is $45. For dogs, the price is based on their weight and the quantity of anesthesia used, but starts at $70 for spaying and $60 for neutering. For Sihanoukville patients he will come to your home.
Kampot Veterinary Services
Available by phone 24 hours a day
On the road to Kep, Kampot
T: 088 285 1000
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